Use of Information Sources in Medical Students of a University in Tacna, Peru
sources of information, Medicine students, scientific activity, information and communication technologies.Abstract
The use of information sources is important in the training of the medical student; however, in Latin America a decrease in its use has been reported and problems have been identified in its knowledge. The objective of the study was to determine the factors associated with the use of information sources in medical students at a university in Tacna, Peru. An observational, analytical and cross-sectional study was carried out in students of a private university, using a stratified random sampling. A virtual self-applied instrument was used, which inquired into the socio-educational characteristics, the frequency of use/training of the information sources and the characteristics of scientific research. The result of the study indicated greater use of information sources, associated with the independent variables, through multiple regression models. Out of 274 students, 32.1% frequently used information sources. The most used were: Google Scholar (36.5%) and SciELO (25.2%); in contrast, most students are unaware of the sources: HINARI (56.2%) and EMBASE (55.5%). In conclusion, performing in a higher academic year and having more perception of the skills in the search for scientific information are the factors associated with greater use of information sources.
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