Scientific production on neurosciences in Cuban professional journals sponsored by the Universities of Medical Sciences (January 2010-June 2021)
neurosciences, bibliometrics, bibliometric indicators, electronic magazines, Cuba.Abstract
The current use of information technologies has boomed in Cuban scientific production; however, the one pertinent to neurosciences is scarce, compared to the rest of the continent and other branches of Medicine. The present paper was carried out to characterize the scientific production in Cuban professional medical journals sponsored by the Cuban Medical Sciences universities from January 2010 to June 2021. A descriptive, retrospective and bibliometric study was carried out in a sample of 492 articles which were selected using an intentional non-randomized sampling. These articles data were stored and processed in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The study variables were related to the type of articles, year of publication, Price index, Productivity index, aspects related to authorship and citations. 2019 was the most productive year and Medisan presented the largest number of articles (n = 72). 27.4% of the manuscripts had three authors; the total number of references was 9181, presenting an average per article of 18.1 and a Price index of 0.58. The sample obtained 1710 citations and 2.42 productivity. In addition, female authors predominated. There is vast scientific production on neurosciences in Cuban professional journals sponsored by the Medical Sciences universities, which has significant visibility, a large number of signatories and a tendency to decrease in recent years.
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