Analysis Trends of Burnout Syndrome among Teachers: a Bibliometric Study
Palabras clave:
, burnout syndrome, teachers, bibliometric.Resumen
Teachers are constantly exposed to high levels of stress that can affect their health mental and emotional. Furthermore, the teacher's workday never ends at the workplace. It requires preparation, planning, correction, among other activities that overload the worker that can affect their physical health. This article uses bibliometric analysis to present the studies of the incidence of burnout syndrome among teachers. The analysis was performed using the Scopus and Web of Science databases, in the period up to December 2021, aiming to search original and review articles in the English language regarding burnout in teachers professionals. The most productive period with regards to the number of publications was between 2019 and 2021. The total of 2073 articles contributed to the topic burnout among teachers, with an average of 12,05 citations per documents. The three most productive countries were Spain, with 290 frequencies, followed by the United States, with 197, and Brazil with 174.Descargas
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