Bibliometric Evaluation of the Available Research on Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Palabras clave:
coronavirus, COVID-19, novel coronavirus, bibliometric, coronavirus disease.Resumen
Bibliometric research provides a quantitative basis for evaluating the productivity and impact of researchers, research groups, institutions, and even countries. Therefore, this study examined a bibliometric analysis of the available research on Coronavirus. We explored the Web of Science, WoS, and database for publications about COVID-19 beginning January 2000 up until December 2021. Only relevant observational and interventional studies on coronavirus covering the study period were included in the study. Data covering publications on coronavirus research from 2000 to 2021 were extracted from the ISI Web of Science on January17, 2022.A total of 96,766 research publications were found. Nine objectives were developed to guide the study. There were many research publications in the year 2021, followed by 2020. The most funding agencies for coronavirus have been the United States Department of Health Human Services, National Institute of Health NIH, USA, national Natural Science Foundation of China NSFC, NIH National Institute of Allergy Infection Diseases NIAID, National Key Research and Development Program of China, European Union EU. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health and PLOS ONE are the leading research outlet on coronavirus in the world as the duo has collectively published 2,196 in the area of coronavirus. The study concluded that the USA, the Peoples' Republic of China, Italy, England, and India are the leading countries that have contributed to research in coronavirus.
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