Status of Research on Process Management in Scientific Journals
scientific journals, management, process management, bibliometric analysis.Abstract
The particularities of scientific journals today, in terms of processes, results and acting subjects that guarantee their materialization and sustainability make them an object of study of undeniable complexity from the organizational point of view, all of which reveals the unavoidable need to proper management. However, this perspective is not very common in specialized scientific literature, which implies a detailed search of the contributions made up to now. The objectives of the study were oriented to analyze, from the bibliometric point of view, the management of processes in scientific journals, in order to help reveal the trends that have characterized their treatment in the scientific community and thereby lay the foundations for further studies. An analysis was carried out on the management of processes in scientific journals, using the search strategy "title"-"abstract"-"key words" until 2022, in Scopus, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar and SciELO databases. Analysis and synthesis, hermeneutic-dialectical and holistic-dialectical methods were used as theoretical methods; as empirical methods, documentary review and bibliometric analysis. Different bibliometric indicators were evaluated and contrasted: article productivity, authorial productivity and collaboration, occurrences, co-occurrences of keywords, among others. It was possible to determine that, although the issue of process management in scientific journals has aroused growing interest in the international scientific community, it has been little discussed in general literature and from the perspective of organizational management.
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