TThe Mapping of scientific work publications of lecturers indexed by Scopus for Undergraduate Medical Study Programs in DKI Jakarta
scopus indexed, lecturer, medical study program, DKI jakarta, scientometricsAbstract
Medical lecturers do not only focus on treating, but also conduct research that can be used to produce new findings. This study aims to map the development of research topic trends in Scopus indexed scientific articles produced by lecturers of the Undergraduate Medical Study Program in DKI Jakarta, map the collaboration relationship between lecturers of the Undergraduate Medical Study Program in DKI Jakarta in writing scientific articles, explain the level of citation productivity and Scopus indexed articles produced. Data were obtained from the Higher Education Database and Scopus. Data were processed using Microsoft Excel and visualization with VOSviewer. This study found that there were 1,274 articles from 297 medical lecturers from 11 universities. The highest occurrence of keywords were "Human", "Male", "Female", "Controlled Study", "Adult". Authors with the most strength of collaboration relationships are Suyatna, F.D., Djuardi, Y., Supali, T. Lecturers with the most citations are Pranata, R. Lecturers with the most Scopus indexed scientific articles based on complete counts are Suyatna, F.D. Through this research, it can be concluded that collaborative relationships can be carried out based on research interests, not based on one alma mater. Lecturers with the most Scopus indexed articles do not mean they have high citations. The eleven universities in DKI Jakarta have not been productive enough in producing Scopus indexed articles. Therefore, research from medical lecturers still needs to be improved so that the results of research are more varied, students at the university also increase with new or developing knowledge, and the responsibility for research and development continues, and helps favor the university.
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