Scientific production and visibility of UNIANDES researchers in SCOPUS: A retrospective bibliometric study in Ecuador


  • Jesús Estupiñán-Ricardo
  • Ariel José Romero-Fernández
  • Ileana Regla Alfonso Sánchez Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas.
  • Dania E. Portelles-Cobas
  • Oscar Ernesto Velázquez-Soto


UNIANDES, scientific productions, bibliometrics, bibliometric indicators, Ecuador


The study of the production of articles and the position of the authors is of great interest in the academic field and university research. Scientific research serves as a quality indicator in university processes, therefore, establishing scientific evaluation indicators is crucial to make efficient decisions in the use of resources and in administrative management. The present work was carried out with the objective of analyzing the behavior of scientific production and the visibility of UNIANDES researchers during the period from January 2015 to January 2022. For this, a retrospective bibliometric study was carried out using the database Scopus data as a source of information. The results reveal a significant increase in the scientific production of the university and in the performance indicators in recent years. This production is characterized by its originality and focuses on areas such as business management, social sciences, accounting, economics, finance and mathematics. The most prolific authors with the greatest academic impact stand out for their participation in extensive networks of scientific collaboration. However, there is a lack of collaboration with international institutions, the most common being collaboration between researchers from different regional headquarters. In terms of international positioning, UNIANDES has stood out as one of the top 20 universities in Ecuador in terms of scientific impact.

Author Biography

Ileana Regla Alfonso Sánchez, Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas.

Licenciada en Información Científico Técnica. Doctora en Ciencias de la Información. Máster en Informática en Salud. Diplomada en Servicios de información. Profesor Auxiliar e Investigador Auxiliar. Coordinadora del Diplomado Gestión de Información en Salud. Directora del Centro Nacional de Información en Ciencias Médicas. Directora de la Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud.


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How to Cite

Estupiñán-Ricardo J, Romero-Fernández AJ, Alfonso Sánchez IR, Portelles-Cobas DE, Velázquez-Soto OE. Scientific production and visibility of UNIANDES researchers in SCOPUS: A retrospective bibliometric study in Ecuador. Rev. cuba. inf. cienc. salud [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 10 [cited 2025 Feb. 6];34. Available from:



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