Molecular biology techniques used in studies published in Peruvian medical journals, 2010-2019
scientific production indicators, scientific publications, techniques, molecular biology, medicine.Abstract
Molecular biology techniques are fundamental in medicine because they allow the study of diseases at the molecular level, early diagnosis, the development of specific therapies and personalized medicine. These tools are essential to understand the genetic basis of diseases and design precise treatments. The objective of the study was to describe the number and types of articles that used molecular biology techniques, published in four Peruvian medical journals from 2010 to 2019. In this articles, one thousand, four hundred fifteen articles were described in four Peruvian medical journals, including original articles and reports of cases. Despite an increase in case reports without molecular biology techniques, there were no significant differences between original articles and case reports. The most common techniques were: PCR, ELISA and electrophoresis. Hospitals and health institutes led in the number of publications. These results provide valuable data for future studies and perspectives on the use of these techniques in Peruvian medical scientific production.
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