Telemedicine in Pediatrics for Managing Chronic Diseases and Vulnerable Groups



pediatrics, telemedicine, primary health care, medical care, systematic review.


Introduction: Telemedicine is a tool for pediatric care services, since it allows monitoring of pediatric patients in the management of chronic diseases and vulnerable groups; lowers costs and improves access to health services.

Objective: To explore, through a systematic review of the literature, the effectiveness of teleconsultation in the management of chronic diseases and vulnerable groups in the pediatric population.

Methods: A systematic review of the literature was carried out, using the MESH terms "pediatrics" AND "telehealth" AND "primary care" AND "control care" in Medline PubMed, EMBASE, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane, Science Direct databases. Meta-analyses, systematic reviews, controlled clinical trials, cohort, case-control studies, conducted from 1998 to July 2021, were included. Fifty-four studies were obtained for the final review.

Results: The main results of the search showed benefits at the level of chronic disease control, control after discharge from the intensive care unit, pediatric post-surgery, palliative care, mental illness, access to health services for populations from remote regions. A benefit was found in preventing visits to the Emergency Department.

Conclusions: Telemedicine has a diversity of utilities and interventions as a health tool. Robust scientific evidence has been found for the care of chronic diseases and/or follow-up in pediatrics. Likewise, the provision of services in the telemedicine modality in pediatrics should be included in the care processes and clinical practice guidelines of the specialty.


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Author Biographies

Samuel David Barbosa Ardila, Universidad El Bosque

Médico, Máster en Salud Pública, residente de Pediatría, Universidad El Bosque (Colombia).

Andrea Dávila Ruales, Universidad El Bosque

Médico residente de Pediatría, Universidad El Bosque (Colombia)

Heidy Liliana Alvis García, Universidad El Bosque

Médico residente de Pediatría, Universidad El Bosque (Colombia)

Nicolás Ignacio Ramos Rodríguez, Universidad El Bosque

Médico especialista en Pediatría y Neonatología. Director del Posgrado de Pediatría, Universidad El Bosque (Colombia)

Erwin Hernando Hernández Rincón, Universidad de La Sabana

Médico, Máster en 1. Investigación en Atención Primaria, 2. Gobierno y Dirección Sanitaria, Doctor en Investigación Clínica.

Profesor del Departamento de Medicina Familiar y Salud Pública de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de La Sabana.

Coordinador Académico del Nodo Centro - Colombia, del Campus Virtual de Salud Pública de la OPS/OMS.

José Antonio de la Hoz Valle, Fundación Santafé de Bogotá

Médico, Magister en Epidemiología, Doctor en Ciencias Biomédicas. Fundación Santafé de Bogotá (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Barbosa Ardila SD, Dávila Ruales A, Alvis García HL, Ramos Rodríguez NI, Hernández Rincón EH, de la Hoz Valle JA. Telemedicine in Pediatrics for Managing Chronic Diseases and Vulnerable Groups. Rev. cuba. inf. cienc. salud [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];34. Available from:



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