Research Technological Competencies in Nursing: An Integrative Review
information technology, competency-based education, nursing research.Abstract
Given the accelerated scientific advance and constant changes in society, basic technological skills for information management in research processes with the aim of generating knowledge become more important. With the objective of evaluating the development of research technological competencies, as a transversal axis in the performance of nursing professionals, an integrating review was carried out, by searching for primary, secondary and tertiary sources in databases such as SciELO and PubMed, Proquest, Scopus and Google Scholar. Using the search strategies with DECS, MESH terms and Boolean operators, one thousand, nine hundred fifty-five sources in Spanish and English were found and nine references were selected. The findings were grouped into themes corresponding to weaknesses in technological competencies and recommendations for their strengthening. The main deficiencies found are the search capacity, access, information management and the use of software. In addition, training and the formation of specialized research teams and networks would help strengthen these competencies. It is concluded that it is necessary to generate evidence with studies that show the impact of the implementation of various strategies aimed at consolidating technological research competencies in nursing professionals.
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