Telemonitoring experiences in patients with COVID-19
COVID-19, pandemic, patients, telemonitoring, panoramic review.Abstract
COVID-19 generates respiratory symptoms that can cause more severe symptoms in patients with risk factors, so early detection and care is necessary. In a context of social isolation and high demand for health services, one of the recently developed monitoring methods is telemonitoring, which allows remote surveillance of patients. The objective of the research was to perform a panoramic review of the different experiences regarding telemonitoring of patients with COVID-19 at national and international level. Articles in English and Spanish published from January 1, 2020 to May 7, 2022 in the PubMed, SciELO and Google Scholar search sites were reviewed. The search was performed with the keywords "telemonitoring", "patients", "COVID-19" and "pandemic". Of the 160 articles found, four were discarded because they were duplicates and 126 because they were not directly related to the topic. Of the 30 selected, 24 had research results and six were used for theoretical-conceptual aspects related to the objective of the study. The implementation of remote monitoring for the follow-up of patients with a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19 has proven to be feasible, low cost, within the reach of the patient and medical personnel. Also, remote monitoring reduces the use of hospital resources and identifies disease progression in a timely manner. At present, prospective-analytical studies are still lacking to determine precisely what could be improved in remote care systems.
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