Thematic Profile Analysis of COVID-19 in Cuban Medical Journals during the First 90 days of the Pandemic



Cuban scientific production in health, bibliometrics, word analysis, COVID-19, coronavirus.


The evaluation of scientific production has been of vital importance for the adequate development of scientific policies. In the current scenario, mediated by the pandemic and infoxication, the use of bibliometric methods is transcendental to know the development of scientific publications about COVID-19. The objective was to analyze the thematic profile of the scientific production on COVID-19, published in Cuban medical journals during the first 90 days of the pandemic. A bibliometric study was carried out, with a non-experimental design and a quantitative approach of descriptive-correlational scope. A total of 106 documents on the disease, published in Cuban journals, were recovered, with which an ad hoc database was created in the EndNote X bibliographic manager. A total of 184 keywords were identified. The application of centrality measures revealed 43 nodes and 286 relationships. Nodal degree centrality and intermediating measures were applied. In the resulting co-word network, 41 items and, grouped by frequency of joint occurrence, nine keyword clusters were distinguished. The most productive keywords correspond to the thematic analyzed; the terms COVID-19, coronavirus, coronavirus infection, SARS-CoV-2 and pandemic stand out. The thematic profile of the scientific production on COVID-19, published in Cuban medical journals, demonstrates the interdisciplinary nature of the research and is evidenced by Cuba's success in facing the pandemic.

Author Biography

Soraya Madero Durán, Editorial Ciencias Médicas - Ecimed Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas CNICM

Licenciada en Ciencias de la Información. Especialista en Información del Departamento de Publicaciones Electrónicas del Centro Editorial Ciencias Médicas. Ecimed. Web máster, community manager. Investigadora.


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How to Cite

Madero Durán S, Zayas Mujica R, Alfonso Manzanet JE. Thematic Profile Analysis of COVID-19 in Cuban Medical Journals during the First 90 days of the Pandemic. Rev. cuba. inf. cienc. salud [Internet]. 2023 May 2 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];34. Available from:



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