Students’ Scientific Production Related to Health Sciences Programs
scientific production, scientific communication, students, Health Sciences.Abstract
Student scientific production is part of the products of formative research; however, its frequency is limited. The objective of this study was to collect information sources describing the scientific production of undergraduate students, related to Health Sciences programs. A systematic review type study was designed using Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed and SciELO databases. The primary variable included the scientific production of undergraduate students. Other variables collected were study program, type of production and characteristics of the students. Sixteen articles were found. The majority of the studies (n = 9) were conducted in Human Medicine program; four in Dentistry and three in the School of Medical Sciences, which involves multiple Health Sciences programs. According to its methodological design, eleven studies were bibliometric and five conducted surveys. Bibliometric studies report low scientific production of students in journals indexed in SciELO and PubMed databases, among others. Some research indicated that students who were part of a student scientific society had more scientific publications. The student scientific production reported in the studies is heterogeneous with frequencies of 2 to 12%. The majority of studies have been carried out in the Human Medicine program and in Peru. The main types of articles where a student appears are originals and the student's main contribution is being a co-author.
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