Analysis of Maturity in Knowledge Management at the Municipal Health Department of the Municipality of Contagem, Minas Gerais, Brazil
knowledge management, maturity analysis, public organization, health.Abstract
The objective of this research was to analyze the maturity level of Knowledge Management in the Municipal Health Department of the Municipality of Contagem, Minas Gerais, Brazil, combining theory and practice. Maturity in Knowledge Management is established in 13 dimensions, which must be considered concomitantly. The methods used consist of the application of a research instrument consisting of 39 statements, arranged on a five-point Likert scale, sectioned into 13 constructs, which are analyzed from a positivist perspective, using the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin criteria for dimensionality. , Cronbach's Alpha for reliability and Pearson's r together with the p-Value for validity, adopting Means, Standard Deviation and Confidence Interval of 95%. The results indicate that the institution is at level three out of five, called Incipient, characterized by seeking to manage knowledge and its critical areas for its success. For elevation to level four out of five of maturity, three actions are suggested for the dimensions, Strategy, Leadership and Senior Management support, Knowledge Management Team, Resources (financial, human, material and time), Processes and Activities, Human Resources, Training and Education, Motivation, Teamwork, Culture, Measurement and Pilot Project and two actions for the Information Technology dimension, totaling 38 actions to promote maturity. This research contributed to the search for empirical studies on the maturity level of Knowledge Management and instigates new studies in different public institutions.
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