Analysis of undergraduate medical theses at a Peruvian university, 2011-2020: publication in indexed journals and associated factors
academic thesis, undergraduate medical education, scientific and technical publications, mentors, students, research ethics committees, Peru.Abstract
Quantitative factors associated with the publication of undergraduate medical theses have not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, the research described publication rates, as well as the association with thesis, advisor, and thesis writer characteristics. Undergraduate medical theses from the Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Peru, during the period 2011-2020 were accessed virtually. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the association between thesis publication in indexed journals (Scopus) and the previous publication experience in indexed journals in Scopus of the advisor and the thesis author, the unit of analysis, sample size, study design, number of pages, approval by the research ethics committee and the gender of the thesis author. Out of 884 theses only 12 (1.5%) were published; this constitutes 1.23% of the theses published annually, with a constant trend. The previous publication experience of the advisor was associated with the placement of theses in indexed journals (OR = 8.97 [1.70-42.98]; p = 0.005) and in journals indexed to Scopus (OR = 14.64 [1.24-336.11]; p = 0.037). Presenting the approval of the institution's ethics committee was associated with publishing the thesis in journals indexed to Scopus (OR = 12.45 [1.06-285.94]; p = 0.050). Publication of undergraduate medical theses at this university is low and consistent. It was associated with having a thesis advisor with previous experience in publishing in Scopus-indexed journals and having approval by an ethics committee. There is an urgent need to implement strategies to increase thesis publication.
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