Scientific production on Orthodontics published in biomedical journals belonging to Cuban medical universities
bibliometrics, bibliometric indicators, scientific production indicators, orthodontics, electronic journals.Abstract
The need to promote research in orthodontics and to carry out an analysis of the articles published in the Cuban web, with the purpose of knowing their bibliometric characteristics, is increasing. The present study aimed at characterizing the scientific production on orthodontics, published in professional biomedical journals sponsored by Cuban medical universities between January 2015 and August 2021. A bibliometric, observational, descriptive, longitudinal, descriptive study of the scientific productivity about Orthodontics published in these journals was carried out. The reference manager Zotero was used to process the metadata and VOSviewer to analyze the co-authorship networks. A total of 158 articles were ascertained; 15.19% were published in Medisan and the most productive year was 2015. Original articles predominated (67.72%), with multiple authorship (five authors), female gender (76.41%), authors of Cuban nationality (98.38%) and from Santiago de Cuba/Cuba (15.19 %). A total of 2665 references were used with a Price index of 0.53. Interceptive orthodontics (33.54%) was the most common subject area. The articles received a total of 1041 citations in Google Scholar. The analysis of the co-authorship network made it possible to establish 13 clusters, where 106 authors were visualized, with 282 links and a total strength of attraction among them of 97. It is necessary to achieve the indexing of these journals in large databases in order to increase the visibility and impact of the articles.
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