Risk communication in the official digital media of the pandemic in Brazil
COVID-19, Ministry of Health, risk communication, virus containment, self-care, digital platforms.Abstract
Considering the first wave of the pandemic scenario and the necessary operation of policies and strategies that promote the population's self-care to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we see here the actions taken in the official digital media of the federal public administration in the period from March to October 2020. To this end, we used the method of content analysis on all material advertised by the Ministry of Health on the platforms Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, Soundcloud, and official websites; ministry of health, pandemic hotsite, and health blog. With the analysis, we verified the prevalence of contents that privilege the illustration of the ministry's achievements, the 1. Self-promotion of the management itself, with 27.57% of the total publications, 2. Self-care promotion 18.87%, 3. Official data with 18.55%, 4. Daily news with 18.03%, 5. Technical communication for specialized audiences with 9.25%, and 6. Structural technical operation with 7.73%. With 3428 posts and 428,073,246 interactions evaluated, we saw self-care promotion content (18.87%) being suppressed by 81.13% of other aspects addressed by official government communication. In this way, we found that the absence of proper official communicative support at a level equivalent to the health demands presented in the pandemic that was established, leaves gaps in essential guidelines for the population, and even misinformation, which may have compromised the rigorous confrontation of the dissemination of the virus.
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