Scientific production on toxicological studies in cuban scientific journals: a bibliometric analysis in Scopus
toxicity, safety, bibliometric study, scientific publication, cuban journals.Abstract
The present study aims to analyze the behavior of scientific production on toxicology in cuban scientific journals. For this purpose, a bibliometric study was carried out using as methodology the analysis of production, visibility and collaboration indicators (period, journals, and institutions with the largest number of publications, most cited authors and type of toxicity study that prevailed). The period from 1971 to 2020 was selected and Scopus was selected as the database. Search strategies were used, based on the following terms: toxicity, toxicological studies, safety, toxicity, toxicological studies and safety. The query was refined for the country Cuba, selected period, type of publication and Cuban journals. The following information was extracted from each article: authors, title, number of citations, language, journals, affiliation and abstract. All the information was stored in a database designed for processing. It is considered that the scientific production on toxicological topics in cuban scientific journals was low, in relation to other topics, with a total of 104 publications. The highest productivity was observed in the period 2001-2020 with a tendency to increase. The journals with the greatest contribution to scientific production were the "Cuban Journal of Medicinal Plants", the Cuban Journal of Pharmacy" and the Journal of "Applied Biotechnology" with 36, 22 and 13 articles respectively. Publications related to in vivo toxicological studies predominated with 47%. The results revealed the need to stimulate the increase and acceptance of toxicological publications by Cuban journal publishers, given the human scientific potential and the current infrastructure existing in research centers and health institutions.
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