Bibliometric study of the Brazilian scientific production on Epidemiology in Nutrition in the period between 1973-2020
nutrition, Nutritional Epidemiology, nutrition in public health, bibliometrics, Brazil.Abstract
The article aims to study the dynamics of scientific productions in Epidemiology in Nutrition in Brazil, using bibliometrics. Data collection was carried out in the Scopus database, building search strategies based on descriptors standardized by DeCS and MeSH related to nutrition, Nutritional Epidemiology, public health and nutrition in public health. Based on eligibility criteria, 671 articles were selected. Data were analyzed by presenting bibliometric indicators, the time evolution of article publication, journals with the highest number of productions on the topic, authors with the highest number of records, articles with the greatest impact and the most frequent keywords. The documents were published between 1973 and 2020 in 193 sources by 5013 researchers. The progressive growth of productions over that time was evidenced, especially in the last decade. The most relevant affiliations corresponded to educational institutions in the Southeast and South regions. There was a predominance of publications on child nutrition and maternal and child nutrition, followed by other topics such as obesity, nutritional surveillance, social determinants and chronic diseases. Likewise, the study presented topics that were less explored, such as the nutrition of the elderly and the nutrition of vulnerable population groups such as quilombolas and indigenous people.
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