Open researchers. Practices for transparency and scientific integrity
open science, scientific transparency, scientific integrity, open scientific research.Abstract
The purpose of this text is to present features of open researchers to build ecosystems in which production, communication and use of the results of research processes are guided by transparency and scientific integrity criteria, which is made possible by the open science movement, bringing along the need to think about ways to build scientific knowledge with a greater impact on social development. A systematic literature review and document analysis were conducted which generated elements and notions from which features are projected that constitute the foundations of open science, systematization and scientific communication. The main conclusions suggest that open science is an action featuring not only a new model to produce scientific knowledge in a more fluent dialogue with society, which requires fundamental features to be exhibited by researchers, among them collaboration. It also makes emphasis on transparency and scientific integrity, criteria which have always been important in research processes, but acquire greater relevance in these open practices, making sure that knowledge assumes greater commitment to society and its organized strata.
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