Uncovering open access criticisms by visualizing texts with Voyant Tools
Voyant Tools is an open-source web environment designed to facilitate the hermeneutical cycle by navigating between different levels of reading, analysis, and interactive visualization of texts (scientific articles, web pages, Twitter messages, literary works). The objective of this article is to exemplify how we can use this tool for the exploration and analysis of scientific texts, discovering themes and associations between documents. 33 scientific documents that question and problematize the open access and open science movements are used as a corpus for analysis. Through different analytical and visualization tools, emerge terms (open source, APC, impact factor, prestige, exclusion, colonialism, coloniality) that as traces of "breadcrumbs" serve to make new explorations and visualizations that allow to identify authors, documents and problems related to open access and open science. It is concluded that Voyant Tools is a versatile and intuitive tool with various potentialities for the analysis and discovery of information in texts. Regarding the topic explored, criticisms and problematizations related to the emphasis on the market and capitalist acceleration behind open access and open science policies and initiatives are identified, with the rise of the commercial open access journals’ business model based on article processing charge (APC) and the appearance of new colonialism and epistemicide when open access, commodification of knowledge and distorted use of the impact factor are combined.
Key words: Voyant Tools; text visualization; open access; open science; critique.
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