ANCORP: Procedure for information retrieval in library systems using knowledge graphs
Patents are not published as quickly as scientific articles because at least 18 months of examination of the invention must elapse between its application and the public record of its grant in the form of a patent document. For this reason, the largest number of patents published so far cover the previous coronaviruses that affect humans, such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, of which there are patents for diagnostic techniques, treatments and even vaccines. There are fewer patents related to the current pandemic caused by COVID-19 due to the short time that has elapsed and the high virology of the disease. The objective of this research was to analyze the behavior of the requested and granted inventions on COVID-19 that have been registered in the United States International Patent Office. The study by its nature used a mixed approach to research where qualitative and quantitative cutting methods were articulated in a systemic way that allowed the complementation of the different metric analyzes. The results showed that the greatest technological power is clustered in the headlines of the United States, followed by Iran, Israel, Bulgaria, Canada and the United Kingdom, and that the number of investigations on COVID-19 are focused on techniques for its identification and diagnosis, in: computer systems; peptides; radio-therapy; data recognition; computational models; mutation and genetic engineering; colorimetry; digital electrical data processing; among other topics that make up the innovative technological vanguard that exist today in the world on COVID -19.
Key words: COVID -19; COVID -19 patent applications; COVID-19 patents; metric study.
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