Methodological protocol for the development of a mobile application for the promotion of physical activity based on gamification: CLUMPS
Palabras clave:
gamification, mobile app, physical activity, intervention.Resumen
A methodological description item, with the objective of presenting the theoretical foundation and the development process of CLUMPS, a smartphone application designed and developed in Brazil, which aims to promote physical activity using gamification elements in its development proposal. The manuscript describes the application's components, its proposed intervention in the users' lifestyle and the epistemological basis on which the elements were built. Thus, CLUMPS was designed as a collection instrument and aggregator tool for interventions at the behavioral level, described as a mobile application. Gamified stimuli were used, such as counting steps, counting points, incentives, goals, challenges and rank, through the cognitive social theoretical basis to promote physical activity. The gamified strategies included in the development of CLUMPS can motivate the promotion of physical activity among users.
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