Lessons learned from Clinical Librarian in the pandemic of COVID-19: experience report of the Study Center of Hospital “Felício Rocho”
Palabras clave:
clinical medical librarian, COVID-19, hospital library, case study, Brazil.Resumen
This paper aims to report the experience of the Clinical Librarian in preparation and response to the pandemic of COVID-19, in the Hospital Library of the Study Center of Hospital “Felício Rocho”, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. This is a qualitative and descriptive research that approaches the role of the Clinical Librarian in the context of the Hospital Library in the Brazilian scenario. For this, the Library is described, the services offered to the medical team, the opportunities and challenges of the Clinical Librarian, the need for training and the partnership with the front-line medical team of COVID-19. The Clinical Librarian played an important role in supporting decision making in facing the pandemic of COVID-19. Thus, the experience report seeks a contribution to Information Science in facing a pandemic and lessons learned from Clinical Librarian.
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