Information Behaviorin The Health of The Elderly: Reflective Theory Study
information behavior, elderly, pandemicAbstract
Objective: To reflect on the informational behavior of elderly people in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic/infodemic, in the light of Thomas Wilson's theory.
Method: This is a reflective theoretical study.
Results: the social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has led many people to spend more time on digital social networks, which in turn has increased exposure to a large amount of information, including that related to the pandemic itself, in the elderly population.
Final thoughts: The COVID-19 pandemic has had negative repercussions on the physical, mental health and social relationships of elderly people and will probably leave a lasting legacy in several areas related to information and technology.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Regina Consolação dos Santos, Luciana de Azevedo Eugênio, Vera Lucia da Paixão, Gabriela Gonçalves Amaral Gonçalves Amaral, Aracely Díaz Oviedo, Sofia Sabina Lavado Huarcaya, Ricardo Bezerra Cavalcante
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