Internal Communication Between Nurses from a Hospital in Metropolitan Lima who Telework in the Context of the Pandemic



health communication, nursing, COVID-19, telework, pandemic


The purpose of this article was to analyze internal communication in nurses who telework in the context of pandemic, belonging to a hospital in Metropolitan Lima. For this purpose, a qualitative research with a reflexive thematic analysis design was carried out. Fifteen nurses participated in a semi-structured interview and the specialized software ATLAS.ti.23 was used for the analysis of the information. Four relevant themes were obtained as results: on the one hand, corporate and professional commitment, which generates an adequate work performance. On the other hand, there is the negative representation of the environment, which includes both the unfavorable image of the organization and the negative perception of pandemic communication. On the other hand, the integration of the work team was found, which includes the strengthening of teamwork, which is opposed to communication barriers. Finally, the information shared among the members of the organization was found, which includes the different means of communication, as well as information about working conditions. It is concluded that internal communication in nurses comprises four areas such as corporate and professional commitment, in contrast to this, a negative representation of the environment is presented. Finally, there is an integration of the work team, as well as information shared by the team members, which is not free of limitations.


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How to Cite

Heredia-Ampudia L, Palomino-Zarate M, Mamani-Benito O, Carranza-Esteban R, Malvaceda-Espinoza E. Internal Communication Between Nurses from a Hospital in Metropolitan Lima who Telework in the Context of the Pandemic. Rev. cuba. inf. cienc. salud [Internet]. 2025 Mar. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];36. Available from:



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