Factors Related to Scientific Publication in Master's Degree Graduates from The Faculty of Medicine of a Public University in Peru
bibliometrics, authorship of the scientific publication, postgraduate health programs, academic thesis, mentors, medical education, database, Peru.Abstract
The exponential increase in biomedicine publications has encouraged universities to strengthen training in research and scientific dissemination. The objective was to analyze the factors related to scientific publication in master's degree graduates from the Faculty of Medicine of a public university in Lima-Peru, 2019-2021. A retrospective, observational-analytical study was carried out with non-probabilistic sampling. The variables studied were age, gender, profession, undergraduate and specialty university of study, publications prior to the master's degree, publication related to the thesis, co-authorship with the advisor, methodology and indexing in SciELO, Scopus or Web of Science (WOS). Sixty-seven theses (49.3%) were included and it was found that experimental and observational-analytical studies were published more frequently in journals indexed in Scopus or WOS, compared to those observational-descriptive ones (p = 0.026); 59.7% of the articles were published by female graduates; 22.4% were undergraduate graduates from the same university and had published in Scopus or WOS. Likewise, 23.9% had publications prior to the master's degree; 62.7% published in co-authorship with the advisor and nurses published more frequently than doctors in Scopus or WOS (p = 0.041). It is concluded that the publication of the thesis results in a journal indexed in Scopus or WOS was associated with the scientific level of the research and the profession of the thesis student. Other variables did not show statistical significance.
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