Impact Evaluation of the Implementation of a Device for Motor Disabilities Individuals
impact evaluation, individuals with disabilities, information systems, equipment and supplies, implementation scienceAbstract
Introduction: There are different causes that prevent muscle movement in a person, for which in some cases there is no medical treatment that stops the progress of the disease. However, there are technological aids that allow individuals with disabilities to improve their skills to help them live autonomously and participate in society. Assisted technology has developed multiple options to improve the quality of life of these patients.
Objective: To evaluate the impact of the implementation of a device in people with motor disabilities in the municipality of Montería-Córdoba, Colombia. A design, construction and implementation of the device is established and, finally, its impact is evaluated.
Methods: The research is a technological-descriptive type, because, in addition to the analysis of results, it was experimented on the population under study. To this end, criteria such as type of disability, average age and socioeconomic influence were taken into account.
Results: The impact of Helpbot device, which interacts with the user and facilitates the execution of movements, was evaluated. Among the features of the device are being portable, wireless and interface between human and machine.
Conclusions: Users stated that they felt comfortable with the artifact. It facilitated the development of therapeutic exercises. The positive impact of the device is reflected in the extent to which 100% of the population would recommend the electronic device, therefore the intervention was successful.
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