Predictive factors of low scientific productivity in teachers of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Camagüey



predictive factors, scientific production, bibliometric indicators, visibility, medicine.


Introduction: The Cuban universities must seek greater visibility of scientific results. It is a key aspect in postgraduate programs, in this sense the visibility of scientific production is essential in the scientific reputation and prestige of a university/faculty or researcher.

Objective: With the objective of determining the predictive factors of low scientific productivity in the teachers of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, of the University of Medical Sciences of Camagüey during the last five years, an analytical study of case control was carried out in the 204 teachers of the aforementioned faculty. The source of information were the related factors existing in the national and international literature, through which a survey was made. The data was processed in a computerized way to determine the significance of the statistical association between the non-scientific publication of the professors and the different variables, the Chi Square test was applied. In the case of quantitative variables, Student's T test was used, as well as logistic regression.

Results: The evaluation of the predictive capacity was carried out by the Receiver Operational Characteristics Curve. The variables with the greatest predictive capacity were: not being a member of a scientific society, no award, no access to bibliographic databases; not receive courses on Scientific Writing, Research Methodology and Bibliographic Styles.

Conclusions: It was concluded that by identifying the Logistic Regression function that best predicts the probability of low scientific production was identified, the Curve allowed to validate the model obtained, with good predictive capacity to anticipate the outcome of low productivity in teachers.


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How to Cite

Bembibre Mozo D, Fernández Valdés M de las M, Quesada Leyva L. Predictive factors of low scientific productivity in teachers of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Camagüey. Rev. cuba. inf. cienc. salud [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 16 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];35. Available from:



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