Through the eyes of media scientists: the correlation of social media with the informational environment in the pandemic context
Scientific divulgation, Information and health, Social media, Scientist, COVID-19.Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic intensified the relationship between communication and science in an accelerated way. It was observed that actors who are part of this dialogic context were actively incorporated in this process, especially the figure of the scientist. This article seeks to understand this link, based on the increasing insertion of digital social media as a way of creating circuits that enable informative interactions between users. A qualitative research was developed in order to understand, based on the point of view of selected Brazilian scientists, how this experience has been taking place at a time of scientific and sanitary urgency. It was concluded that scientific actors are using the new social media as a new space of visibility, which generates changes not only in the scientist's relationship with his public communication, but also for the journalistic field, since journalists consider scientists as important sources of information.
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