Disparity of criteria in the indexing and homologation of scientific journals in Publindex
publindex, model, indexing, homologation, disparities, inconsistencies, Scopus, SCImago Journal Rank, Colombia.Abstract
The National Bibliographic Index (IBN - Publindex) is the most important Colombian tool to annually evaluate and classify (index or homologate) national and international scientific journals. Indexing is a process of classification of national journals, while homologation is similar for international journals. In both processes, Publindex takes into account the editorial management, visibility and impact of the journal. For impact, it considers the Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) and/or the Journal Citation Reports (JCR), for international or national journals that have a quartile in these citation indexes; for national journals outside these indexes, it uses the H5, calculated with Publish or Perish. Since the incorporation of impact in Publindex in 2016, inconsistencies or disparities have been observed in the indexing and homologation processes such as international journals that, with quartile in the SJR and without being discontinued, were not homologated and national journals that appear without quartile in the SJR, are not indexed, but are homologated to international journals in the same situation. Therefore, the objectives of this paper are: to evidence such inconsistencies/disparities in the indexing/homologation of national/international journals in the SJR through concrete examples; to perform an analysis on the strange increase in the inter-quartile limit for category B of national journals in the area of Medical and Health Sciences in the call 910 of 2021 and to propose suggestions to correct such problems.
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