TeleNanu, a chatbot for tele-guidance to adolescents and young people on sexual and reproductive health
chatbot, tele-counseling, youth, adolescents, sexual and reproductive health.Abstract
The objective of the research was to create a sexual and reproductive health tele-guidance service for young people, using a chatbot and social networks as communication channels. The first stage involved the selection of information about sexual and reproductive health; the second stage consisted of the communication strategy for the visual identity of the chatbot. Finally, the third stage developed the chatbot, based on the Azure Health Bot service, with the logic to respond to different queries. A conversational agent was obtained in the public cloud, linked to the main social networks, with capacity for growth regarding attention to logic, due to the recurrent design of scenarios. In relation to the evaluation of the chatbot satisfaction level, users rated the service positively. Users considered it useful, friendly and easy to understand. They also reported their willingness to inform others about the service. It is concluded that the use of a platform with integrated cloud-based services enabled specialists to engage in improving the logic of tele-counseling in sexual and reproductive health. In addition, the implementation of various communication channels, such as social networks and web pages, allowed easy access and user acceptance.
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