The hospital library: a study of central Portugal
hospital libraries, library services, public health.Abstract
The hospital library is still an unknown model in Portugal, despite its importance for the functioning of health institutions and for research in Health Sciences. It is an area so far little studied in the country and known mainly by health professionals, linked to teaching and research. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to characterize and analyze the performance of these libraries, to deepen knowledge and to try to understand the reasons why they are unknown within the institutions themselves. A descriptive study was carried out, based on the application of a questionnaire in 41 public and private health institutions with the aim of knowing the state of hospital libraries in central Portugal and, by publishing the results, to contribute to their dissemination and promotion. The results showed that only 11 public health institutions have libraries, which, despite belonging to centers with hundreds of employees, are small and lack resources. As such, it is likely that a supervisory intervention in policy design is needed to increase and improve library services in hospitals, namely: i) strengthening qualified human resources; ii) supporting the practice of evidence-based medicine; iii) working with secure networks to obtain validated information; and iv) removing technical barriers to obtain answers to questions whose research has already been conducted by researchers themselves, but without success.
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