Low scientific production of dental career managers in peruvian undergraduate universities
universities, dentistry, scientific production, academic institutions, Perú.Abstract
University managers play an important role in influencing undergraduate and graduate students to carry out research and publish scientific articles, but this influence will not be adequate if they do not have experience in these subjects. With the aim of characterizing the scientific publication of the directors of the dental careers of licensed Peruvian universities, an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out and all the directors of the dental careers were included. Their publications were searched in the Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, SciELO and DOAJ databases using combinations of possible scientific names. Of the 25 managers studied, only one third published at least one scientific article. A total of 81.25% and 7.81% of the articles were original and review articles, respectively, and 53.13% were published in Spanish. Descriptive studies stand out (50.00 %) and, to a lesser extent, systematic reviews (4.69%). The Chilean Journal of Oral Research published the largest number of articles (n = 3). It is concluded that the scientific production of the directors of the dental careers of licensed Peruvian universities is low.
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