The academic poster and the transfer of knowledge in Health Sciences: a systematization of experiences



scientific communication and dissemination, posters as subject, poster, exposition.


Poster presentations are a common resource for many modern academic and professional settings. The poster is an effective mean to visualize and transmit knowledge; however, little is known about the transfer process.

The objective of this investigation was to carry out a systematic review of the literature of interventions that evaluated the impact of the presentation of academic posters on the transfer of knowledge and the development of skills.

A systematic review-type study was designed using the Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, Clinical and SciELO databases. The primary variable was knowledge transfer. Other variables collected were: critical reading skills, satisfaction, knowledge and attitudes towards the research or experiences with the preparation of the poster.

Eight studies were included in the analysis. Two studies evaluated knowledge transfer, the others focused on the experiences and opinions of the speakers. The participants indicated that using posters allowed them to learn more about a subject. The development of dynamic reading skills and access to methodologies and work topics that are not always available in university life are highlighted.

The academic poster offers an alternative to promote scientific communication skills. The speakers perceive that they are an effective mean to transfer knowledge; however, it is unknown whether this transfer has similar perceptions or is achieved entirely from the listener's point of view. Presentations help students developing autonomy and provide opportunities to transform their knowledge in a collaborative and creative way.


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How to Cite

Castro-Rodríguez Y, Quispe Romero P. The academic poster and the transfer of knowledge in Health Sciences: a systematization of experiences. Rev. cuba. inf. cienc. salud [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 6];33. Available from:



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