Publication of fake news during the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru
COVID-19 infections, social network, fake news, Peru, pandemics.Abstract
The objective of this study was to describe the news identified as false by the executive power of the Peruvian State from February 1 to June 4, 2020. This study reviewed the Facebook and Twitter social networks of the Presidency and Council of Ministers, and those of 18 ministries. Seventy-two news identified as false were found and the most frequent type of falsification was impersonation (51.4%). 41.7% and 30.6% of fake news were about economic and social issues, respectively. The Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion and the Ministry of Education were the most plagiarized institutions, and consecutively, the ones that denied false news the most. In this scenario, it is necessary to strengthen the false news detection and response systems of state institutions, as well as to educate the population in valuing the source of information they review on social networks.
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