Bibliometric analysis and mapping of international publications about salivary cortisol (1960-2019)
bibliometrics, hydrocortisone, saliva, periodical publication.Abstract
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the scientific activity about salivary cortisol. A bibliometric method was applied using MEDLINE and LILACS. The study period extended from 1960 to 2019. The data presented in the study were analyzed with the software VOSviewer and Publish or Perish. The search retrieved 6063 documents from MEDLINE and 47 from LILACS. Increase in the number of publications was notable in the period 2010-2019. The United States had the largest scientific production in MEDLINE with 21% of the documents, whereas Brazil was at the top of the list in LILACS with 70.2%. Authors with a productivity index equal to or greater than 1 (prolific producers) represented 0.93% in MEDLINE and 0% in LILACS. Mean number of authors per publication was 5.12 in MEDLINE and 4.70 in LILACS. Six main research topics were found to be related to salivary cortisol: 1) stress 2) hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis; 3) circadian rhythm; 4) emotions, anxiety, depression; 5) sleep-wake; 6) determining factors. Research on salivary cortisol is on the increase, with gradual improvement in multiauthorship as an expression of collaboration between authors. Future research should focus on interindividual differences and intraindividual variability of salivary cortisol concentration.References
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