Brazilian medical education and the incorporation of technologies before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
medical education, distance education, information technology, medical students, faculty, Internet access, teaching, Brazil, coronavirus, pandemics.Abstract
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) was intensified. This study aimed to investigate the incorporation of ICT in the teaching-learning process by teachers, undergraduate and graduate Medicine students from Brazilian public and private institutions, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cross-sectional survey was used to perform this research, with data collection carried out from May to September 2020. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. There were 242 participants: 153 undergraduate students, 19 graduate students, and 70 faculty members. The participants considered that the support provided by their educational institutions in 2020 for the use of ICT was ‘good’ (44.2%, 107/242) or ‘excellent’ (22.3%, 54/242). The technologies most often used in 2020 were virtual learning environments (79.8%, 193/242) and videoconferences (77.7%, 188/242). The majority of respondents prefer the ‘classroom-based’ modality (50.4%, 122/242), followed by those who prefer the occasional use of ICT (22.3%, 54/242). The participants registered 171 perceptions related to the use of ICT as a pedagogical resource and its importance during the pandemic. The respondents recognized the complementary use of ICT in their academic activities and considered that the institutional support was adequate. No financial difficulties were reported, but participants mentioned lack of training and limited use of ICT in practical activities. To overcome such gaps, the use of ICT should take into account preferences and specificities of medical education, for which institutions have to prepare themselves pedagogically.
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