Design and validation of a virtual teaching-learning environment as a didactic resource for information literacy training



The purpose of the study was to describe the design, validation and implementation of a virtual teaching-learning environment as a didactic resource for information literacy training. An applied descriptive technological innovation analysis was conducted at Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola Provincial General University Hospital in Ciego de Avila. Use was made of the technological support in the Moodle platform. The research developed along three stages: facto-perceptible, development and validation of contributions, and application of contributions). The virtual learning environment was validated by expert criteria and applied to 55 participants. The EVEA-health design fostered self-management and skill-developing learning among student participants. Validation by expert criteria not only made it possible to evaluate the feasibility and scientific-methodological relevance of the virtual teaching-learning environment, but also its enrichment. The high percentage of good and excellent scores showed that participants developed information competencies related to the appropriate management of information sources and the use of scientific data. The study contributes new knowledge about the usefulness of implementing a virtual teaching-learning environment as a didactic resource for information literacy training and the development of health information competencies.

Key words: Information literacy; virtual learning environment; distance education; information seeking behavior.


Author Biographies

Dinora García Martín, Hospital Provincial General Docente Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola

Departamento de Biblioteca. Especilista en Ciencias de la Información e Informática.

Yoel Benedico Aguilera, Universidad Máximo Gómez Báez de Ciego de Ávila

Departamento de Gestión de Software

Esther Lázara Pacheco Limonta, Hospital Provincial General Docente Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola

Departamento Biblioteca. Responsable de la Biblioteca

Mirna Riol Hernández, Universidad Máximo Gómez Báez de Ciego de Ávila. Sede Manuel Ascunce Domenech. Facultad de Ciencias Pedagógicas.

Departamento: Centro de Estudios Educacionales.

Secretaria del Doctorado en Ciencias de la Educación.

Raquel Diéguez Batista, Universidad Máximo Gómez Báez de Ciego de Ávila Sede Manuel Ascunce Domenech. Facultad de Ciencias Pedagógicas.

Departamento: Centro de Estudios Educacionales.

Director del Doctorado en Ciencias de la Educación

Yordanka Hernández Rodríguez, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Ciego de Ávila. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Dr. José Assef Yara.

Departamento: Decanato. Decana de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Dr. Jose Assef Yara de Ciego de Ávila.



How to Cite

García Martín D, Benedico Aguilera Y, Pacheco Limonta EL, Riol Hernández M, Diéguez Batista R, Hernández Rodríguez Y. Design and validation of a virtual teaching-learning environment as a didactic resource for information literacy training. Rev. cuba. inf. cienc. salud [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 11 [cited 2025 Jan. 30];32(2). Available from:



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