A bibliometric analysis of publications on eccentric training or flywheel inertial training
Palabras clave:
Beccentric exercise, flywheel training, bibliometric analysis, sports performance, strength training.Resumen
The aim of this study was to conduct a bibliometric review focusing on training with inertial devices, which have gained popularity over time, initially utilized by astronauts and more recently adopted in sports such as soccer, volleyball, and basketball. The methodology was developed collaboratively by the Universidad Autónoma de Manizales and the Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina. Three bibliometric dimensions were examined: 1) scientific production and dissemination, 2) scientific collaboration, and 3) bibliometric evaluation at the individual level (including Bradford's Law and the h-index). Data analysis was performed using Bibiometrix, an open-source tool programmed with R, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of scientific literature behavior. Among the findings, a total of 67 documents were identified, published across 30 indexed journals between 2003 and 2022. Of these, 55 (82%) were original articles and 7 (10.4%) were review articles. Inertial technology represents an emerging training methodology, offering significant benefits at anatomical, structural, physiological, and functional levels in high-performance sports. However, its widespread adoption necessitates the consolidation of concepts and high-quality research to establish evidence-based guidelines. This review underscores the importance of further research to support the advancement and standardization of training protocols using inertial devices.
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